Dictionary A1 - A2

by English in context


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What is this English dictionary? - It is one of the world's first dictionaries with images and sound to help you to, not only understand what a word means, but also to see how it is pronounced in clear examples in context.What can I learn in English?- You can learn the first 550 most important words, how to pronounce them and how to use them in various contexts.How can you learn English with this app?- just watch, repeat and learnWhy only 500 words and 1200 sentences?- This is because images and sound files are heavy and 500 is a maximum for one app. However, our website will have a full dictionary with over 8'000 words and 20'000 examples of the words in context.Learning in context is the natural way to learn - this app helps you do exactly that 'learn English in context'